
Total Records: 991

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3 days ago

Casey B. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

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14 days ago

Meredith H. Hyland OnBase

recommend Hyland OnBase

14 days ago


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14 days ago

Meredith H. EMS Software

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14 days ago

Meredith H. Collegesource

recommend Collegesource

14 days ago


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17 days ago

recommend Workday

17 days ago


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24 days ago

Paulette S. Maricopa Community College District

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24 days ago

Paulette S. Maricopa Community College District

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24 days ago

recommend Oracle

24 days ago


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24 days ago

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24 days ago

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24 days ago

Heather H. University of Maryland Global Campus

recommend Oracle

24 days ago

I wholeheartedly recommend Oracle's PeopleSoft Campus Solutions for any institution seeking a robust and reliable software solution. Since I began my career in financial aid in 2006, I have consistently used and loved this platform. PeopleSoft Campus Solutions offers comprehensive and user-friendly modules that streamline administrative processes, enhance data management, and improve overall efficiency. Its adaptability and integration capabilities have significantly benefited our operations, ensuring that we can provide exceptional service to our students and staff. Oracle's commitment to continuous improvement and innovation has made PeopleSoft an indispensable tool in the higher education sector.

Redeemed Perk -

24 days ago

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36 days ago

Nathan O. Salesforce

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36 days ago

Nathan O. SAP America

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36 days ago

Nathan O. Ellucian

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36 days ago

James W. Evisions

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36 days ago

James W. Modern Campus

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36 days ago

James W. Ellucian

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36 days ago

James W. National Student Clearinghouse

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52 days ago

Azzedine S. Universite de Montreal

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52 days ago

Azzedine S. Universite de Montreal

recommend Oracle

52 days ago


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53 days ago

Roy C. TouchNet

recommend Oracle

53 days ago


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53 days ago

Roy C. TouchNet

recommend Ellucian

53 days ago


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53 days ago

Roy C. TouchNet

recommend TouchNet

53 days ago


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59 days ago

Scott L. Gideon Taylor

recommend Gideon Taylor

59 days ago

Gideon Taylor has over two decades of experience delivering exceptional value to clients and partners. Our expertise includes custom GT eForms, AI Enterprise Chatbots, PeopleSoft Managed Services, Cloud HCM and ERP, RPA, Cloud Hosting, Web User Experience, and more. Our clients are everything to us!

recommend Gideon Taylor

59 days ago


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75 days ago

Roger T. Singapore Institute of Management Pte Ltd

recommend Salesforce

75 days ago


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75 days ago

Roger T. Singapore Institute of Management Pte Ltd

recommend Workday

75 days ago


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77 days ago

Ron A. Lagniappe Software, LLC

Engage using XTend's forms and surveys inside of your PeopleSoft application.

Lagniappe Software LLC -

XTend, from Lagniappe Software, is a bolt-on application that lives inside of, and extends, your PeopleSoft application.  XTend can be used to create limitless types of fluid forms and surveys for your organization.  The configurable nature of this tool puts the power in the hands of the end-user, not the developer, which allows you to achieve the exact experience you are looking for.  Also, fluid’s responsive design adapts to any device.  Installation and deployment are a breeze.  You can be up and running with XTend in a short period of time. 

Rapidly Create Forms/Surveys 

Creating reusable building blocks for your content is where the power of rapid design and deployment really takes shape. In today’s world, communication is sometimes better achieved with videos and images, combined with verbiage that suits your individual situation. In addition, you may wish to direct the end user to a more specific outcome. 

As you design your form/survey, you can immediately test each new scenario in a fluid responsive page to ensure you are obtaining the desired look and feel. 

Options to Meet Your Needs 

Requests (or questions) combine the power of video, images, and free form text, along with survey style Likert Scales, to initiate almost any type of communication imaginable. Responses (or answers) offer the flexibility to be combined with reusable lists to generate a variety of single or multiple selection options. Options include dropdown list boxes, checkboxes, radio buttons and images. File attachments, free form text, prompt fields, dates, numeric response types, and multi-row grids are also available.

Likert Scale Responses can be created and combined with any type of Request to measure how someone may feel about something. They can also be used to attach quantitative value to qualitative data for statistical analysis. 

Customized Experience

Forms/Surveys are created by linking Requests with Responses in the desired order. Simple designs will consist of a single question/answer combination. Other scenarios may group multiple combinations or require the use of conditional logic to drive the flow.  Pre-populated data and field validation can also be used to create a customized user experience, all configurable without developer assistance. 

Taking it a step further!

Downstream processing can be a key factor when a form/survey is submitted and/or approved.  XTend provides a user-friendly configuration page to map form/survey data to initiate the following types of PeopleTools transactions: component interface, process scheduler process, SQL object, and application package/class.  Multiple transactions, in sequential order, can be configured for a single form/survey.

If you need a hard copy or electronic version of the form/survey, the content can be converted to a PDF file with no additional work needed on your part. 

A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated

Xtend can be configured as a delivered PeopleSoft Related Action, launching your form/survey in the context of the page transaction it was initiated from.

Forms/Surveys can easily be configured with multiple workflow options, including PeopleSoft’s Approval Workflow Engine (AWE), as well as Adobe Acrobat Sign for approvals outside your organization. 

For more information or to schedule a demo, contact us at

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78 days ago

Alexis K. Higher Education User Group

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79 days ago

Arvind R. Astute Business Solutions

When AI Goes to College: The Revolutionary Role of Generative AI in Higher Education

Astute Business Solutions -

Have you ever imagined a world where AI doesn't just assist in education but revolutionizes it? We're not envisioning a future where robots replace students in lecture halls, but one where generative AI, a subset of artificial intelligence capable of creating content and solving problems by learning from data, becomes an integral part of the higher education ecosystem. This isn't about introducing a new student to the campus; it's about welcoming a technological prodigy poised to transform the academic landscape. So, let's embark on an exploratory journey into the top five use cases of generative AI in higher education, showcasing its potential to personalize, innovate, and streamline the educational experience.

Personalized Learning: A Tailored Academic Journey

Imagine a learning environment that adapts to your individual needs, where the course material evolves in real-time based on your performance and preferences. This is the reality of personalized learning powered by generative AI. Platforms like Coursera and Khan Academy are already making strides in this direction, using AI to adjust learning paths and content to fit the student's unique learning pace and style. This approach not only enhances engagement but also optimizes learning outcomes, making education more efficient and effective.

  • Prompt for Educators: "Imagine you have access to an AI tool that can predict students' learning challenges before they encounter them. How would you integrate this tool into your teaching strategy to create a more effective learning experience?"
  • Prompt for Administrators: "Consider the possibility of deploying an AI system that personalizes each student's curriculum based on their strengths, weaknesses, and career aspirations. What steps would you take to implement such a system within your institution, and how would you measure its success?"
  • Prompt for Students: "If you could design an AI-powered study assistant, what features would it have to enhance your learning experience, and how would it adapt to your changing needs over the course of your education?"

Content Creation: Beyond the Traditional Lecture

Generative AI is redefining the role of content in education. It acts as an ever-evolving repository of knowledge, capable of generating up-to-date lecture notes, dynamic course materials, and even interactive learning experiences. However, it's crucial to navigate this innovation with an ethical compass, ensuring that AI-generated content supports academic integrity. By incorporating AI into content creation, educators can offer students a richer, more engaging learning experience that goes beyond traditional textbooks and lectures.

  • Prompt for Educators: "Envision an AI tool that can generate dynamic course materials based on current events and the latest research findings. How would you use this tool to keep your curriculum up-to-date and engaging for students?"
  • Prompt for Administrators: "Imagine integrating an AI system that automatically updates educational content across all courses, ensuring material is always current and relevant. What challenges and opportunities do you foresee in maintaining academic integrity and quality?"
  • Prompt for Students: "How would you feel about learning from AI-generated content that adapts to include your interests and real-time global developments? What concerns might you have about this approach?"

Ready to Graduate Your Institution with AI Services?

Astute can help you evaluate your options and create a path that works for you.

Let’s create an AI roadmap together

Research and Data Analysis: Unveiling New Frontiers

The role of generative AI in research and data analysis is akin to having an omnipotent library wizard at your fingertips. Tools like Elsevier's SciVal offer researchers the ability to quickly sift through vast amounts of data, identifying trends and insights that could lead to groundbreaking discoveries. This automation of the research process not only accelerates academic inquiry but also opens up new avenues for innovation and exploration, making the once-daunting task of data analysis a thrilling adventure.

  • Prompt for Researchers: "Picture an AI assistant capable of conducting preliminary literature reviews for your research projects. How would you leverage this assistant to enhance your research efficiency and creativity?"
  • Prompt for Academic Librarians: "If you had access to an AI tool that could instantly suggest resources based on students' and researchers' topics of interest, how would you integrate this technology into the library's services?"
  • Prompt for Students: "Imagine an AI tool that could help you navigate through research data, suggesting connections and insights you hadn't considered. How would this impact your approach to learning and research projects?"

Administrative Automation: Streamlining the Academic


The administrative layers of higher education often present a complex maze for students and staff alike. Generative AI offers a solution by automating administrative tasks, from admissions processing to scheduling and student services. Institutions like Georgia Institute of Technology have already begun to implement AI-driven systems, enhancing efficiency and allowing staff to focus on more impactful student interactions. The potential for AI to further transform administrative processes is immense, promising a future where bureaucracy no longer impedes the academic experience.

  • Prompt for Administrators: "Consider the potential of AI to automate student admissions and enrollment processes. What criteria would you program the AI to evaluate, and how could this technology improve equity and efficiency in admissions?"
  • Prompt for Faculty: "If AI could handle scheduling, grading, and other administrative tasks, how would you reallocate your time and resources to improve student learning outcomes and engagement in your courses?"
  • Prompt for Students: "Imagine an AI system that simplifies course registration, financial aid, and scheduling by offering personalized recommendations. What features would you find most helpful, and what concerns might you have about privacy and personalization?"

Virtual Learning Environments: A Leap into the Future

Generative AI is at the forefront of creating immersive virtual learning environments, transforming the concept of online education. Through technologies such as VR and AR, students can now engage in virtual labs, historical reenactments, and simulated real-world scenarios, offering an educational experience that is both engaging and effective. This digital transformation not only makes learning more accessible but also more captivating, bridging the gap between traditional and online education.

  • Prompt for Educators: "Visualize a virtual reality classroom where you can take students on interactive historical tours, scientific explorations, or artistic creations. How would you design a lesson plan that maximizes the benefits of this technology?"
  • Prompt for Technology Coordinators: "If you were tasked with implementing a virtual learning environment that uses AI to simulate real-world scenarios relevant to each course, what key factors would you consider to ensure a successful and engaging learning experience?"
  • Prompt for Students: "How would you envision a perfect online class experience facilitated by AI, including virtual labs, simulations, or interactive discussions? What elements would be most important to you for learning and engagement?"

Wondering about how to Integrate AI for your Campus?

Astute believes that Oracle Cloud has some of the best consumer friendly AI services around.

Learn about Oracle AI

Embracing the AI-Augmented Academic Landscape

As we explore the myriad ways in which generative AI is reshaping higher education, it's evident that the future of learning is not just digital but also deeply personalized, efficient, and immersive. While AI offers unparalleled opportunities for innovation and improvement, it's crucial to remember the value of the human touch in education. The ultimate goal is to foster a symbiotic relationship between AI and educators, leveraging technology to enhance rather than replace the human elements of teaching and learning.

As we stand on the brink of this educational revolution, it's time for educators, administrators, and policymakers to embrace the potential of generative AI and consider how it can be integrated into their strategies to enrich the learning experience. The journey of AI in higher education is just beginning, and its full impact is yet to be seen. Welcome to the future of education, where AI doesn't just attend college; it transforms it.

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79 days ago

Arvind R. Astute Business Solutions

Why CFOs Should Prioritize AP Invoice Automation

Astute Business Solutions -

Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) increasingly leverage technology to streamline operations and enhance financial health. Among the myriad technological advancements, Accounts Payable (AP) Invoice Automation stands out as a critical tool for modern finance leaders. Here’s why CFOs should consider AP Invoice Automation as their top priority.

1. Optimizing Cash Flow Management

Effective cash flow management is the cornerstone of any successful business, and AP invoice automation is pivotal in achieving it. By automating invoice processing, CFOs gain real-time visibility into their payable obligations, allowing for more accurate cash flow forecasting. This visibility is crucial for making informed decisions about short-term investments, debt management, and payment strategies, ensuring the business can maximize its available cash while avoiding liquidity crunches.

2. Enhancing Operational Efficiency

Manual invoice processing is not only time-consuming but also prone to errors. These inefficiencies can bog down the finance department, leading to delayed payments, missed discounts, and strained vendor relationships. AP invoice automation streamlines the entire process, from invoice receipt to payment, drastically reducing processing times and minimizing human error. The result is a more efficient operation that allows the finance team to focus on strategic initiatives rather than getting caught up in the minutiae of invoice processing.

3. Reducing Costs and Headcount

While the initial investment in AP invoice automation software may seem daunting, the long-term cost savings are significant. Automating the AP process reduces the need for manual data entry and paper-based processes, cutting labor costs and inadvertently paying twice. Moreover, it helps avoid late payment fees and capitalizes on early payment discounts, directly impacting the bottom line. Studies have shown that companies can reduce their invoice processing costs by up to 80% with AP automation software or add-ons.

4. Mitigating Fraud Risk

Fraudulent activities can have a devastating impact on a company’s financial health. AP invoice automation includes features such as fraud detection algorithms and compliance controls that help mitigate the risk of fraudulent invoices and payments. By setting predefined rules and permissions, CFOs can ensure that payments are made only after thorough verification, adding an extra layer of security to the financial operations.

5. Improving Vendor Relationships and Early Payment discounts

Prompt and accurate payments are essential for maintaining good relationships with vendors. AP automation ensures that invoices are processed and payments are made on time, enhancing vendor satisfaction. Furthermore, automation often includes vendor portals, allowing suppliers to submit invoices electronically and track the status of their payments in real-time, fostering transparency and trust in the business relationship and asking for early payments by giving a few points in discounts.

6. Ensuring Regulatory Compliance

Regulatory compliance is a critical concern for CFOs. AP invoice automation systems are designed to comply with tax laws and financial regulations, automatically updating to reflect changes in legislation. These systems also maintain a detailed audit trail of all transactions, simplifying compliance reporting and reducing the risk of penalties for non-compliance.

7. Adapting to Growth

As businesses grow, their financial operations become more complex. AP invoice automation is scalable, meaning it can handle an increasing volume of invoices without a corresponding increase in errors or processing time. This scalability ensures that the finance department can support the company’s growth without constantly hiring additional staff.

In conclusion, AP invoice automation is not just a tool for improving financial operations; it’s a strategic investment that can enhance a company’s financial health, operational efficiency, and competitive edge. For CFOs looking to navigate the challenges of the modern business landscape, prioritizing AP invoice automation is critical to achieving operational excellence and sustainable growth.