
Total Records: 10

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JSMPros -

119 days ago

Scott L. from Gideon Taylor

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JSMPros -

131 days ago

Michael K. from State of Kansas

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JSMPros -

150 days ago

David H. from University of Wisconsin - Madison

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JSMPros -

150 days ago

David H. from University of Wisconsin - Madison

recommended JSMPros

150 days ago

The best technical expert on PeopleTools in the HEUG community. Trainings are top notch, filled with incredibly useful information and fun stories to boot!

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JSMPros -

165 days ago

Scott L. from Gideon Taylor

recommended JSMPros

165 days ago


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JSMPros -

165 days ago

Scott L. from Gideon Taylor

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JSMPros -

176 days ago

Andrew B. from Gideon Taylor

recommended JSMPros

176 days ago

Jim is the best in the market at PeopleSoft training!