
Total Records: 9

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Ocelot -

144 days ago

Jennifer D.

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Ocelot -

144 days ago

Jennifer D.

recommended Ocelot

144 days ago

Ocelot's chatbot is a centralized, simplified tool for providing answers to common student (and staff!) questions 24x7x365. Launch can be reasonably completed within 2 weeks, training and support are top notch (best I've ever worked with) and impactful product enhancements are released quarterly. We also have some experience with Live Chat and Two Way Communication (texting).

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Ocelot -

167 days ago

Chad S. from Virginia Community College System

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Ocelot -

167 days ago

Chad S. from Virginia Community College System

recommended Ocelot

167 days ago


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Ocelot -

215 days ago

Katie C. from North Carolina State University

recommended Ocelot

215 days ago


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Ocelot -

215 days ago

Jessica N. from California State University Channel Islands