
Total Records: 10

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Stellic -

54 days ago

Tom C. from Higher Education User Group

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Stellic -

56 days ago

Alexis K. from Higher Education User Group

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Stellic -

60 days ago

Modern Degree Audit: What It Is and How to Implement One on Campus

Billy G. from Stellic

In this guide, we outline the seven characteristics that comprise a modern degree audit system, and offer three key components to help orchestrate a successful implementation.⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

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Stellic -

185 days ago

John P. from Carnegie Mellon University

recommended Stellic

185 days ago


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Stellic -

185 days ago

John P. from Carnegie Mellon University

recommended Stellic

185 days ago


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Stellic -

185 days ago

John P. from Carnegie Mellon University

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Stellic -

185 days ago

John P. from Carnegie Mellon University

recommended Stellic

185 days ago
